The Senior

Pain relief helps Gary keep up with his grandson

Arborvitae Joint Health helped Gary from Kenthurst ease pain in his knees and keep up with his grandson.
Arborvitae Joint Health helped Gary from Kenthurst ease pain in his knees and keep up with his grandson.


Start taking Arborvitae, it has certainly helped me

To be told at 50 I may need a knee operation one day was an obvious shock. I run a small forklift business and several years ago became a grandfather, so I need to be mobile.

Not wanting an operation at this point I needed an alternative, and what an alternative I found. In obvious pain, I started my Arborvitae Joint Health treatment and after two weeks my pain and swelling had reduced.

Now my pain is gone. If I am going to have a big day in the yard or in the bobcat I make sure I take my Arborvitae first. What a fabulous product this is.

No one should go through life in pain and I will tell anyone that will listen - if you have early onset mild Osteo Arthritis start taking Arborvitae Joint Health it has certainly helped me, and I can keep up with my grandson Max.

  • Gary from Kenthurst

Arborvitae's range of supplements is on sale now at Chemist Warehouse - 28% off. Save over $19 per bottle.

Scientifically proven

A clinical Study on Arborvitae Joint Health was published in the Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology in September 2020. The study compared the effectiveness of Arborvitae Joint Health in the supplementary management of osteoarthritis.

It analysed the outcomes across two groups of participants, one using the standard treatment for management of osteoarthritis, and the other supplementing the standard treatment with the use of Arborvitae Joint Health.

The researchers concluded that Arborvitae Joint Health "may be an effective supplementary management in controlling signs/symptoms of mild-moderate [osteoarthritis]." This includes a reduction in inflammation and, subsequently, pain related to osteoarthritis.

Key results from the Arborvitae Joint Health study

  • 56 per cent decrease in inflammation in blood tests (CRP)
  • 66 per cent decrease in pain test scores
  • 50 per cent increase in walking distance without pain (100m increase)
  • 78 per cent reduction in their use of on-demand medications
  • 50 per cent improvement in quality of life scores

Arborvitae Joint Health comprises of natural ingredients including Pycnogenol, Papain enzyme, aloe vera and honey.

The active ingredient, Pycnogenol, is an antioxidant plant extract from the bark of the French maritime pine tree from Landes de Gascogne in France that has potent anti-inflammatory actions. Pycnogenol has been clinically shown to be effective in supporting healthy joint function, relieving inflammation and reducing pain associated with various health problems - including mild arthritis and osteoarthritis.

For more information on the Clinical Study - go to

Now stocked in over 2000 chemist and health food stores. For store locations go to or call 1300 879 863.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.