The Senior

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New book by Bill Edgar tells what he's learned crashing funerals.
John Piggott
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 "They've got something to say, listen to it. If you don't like it, walk away," says Coffin Confessor Bill Edgar, talking about his unusual job. Picture supplied by Penguin Random House ANZ
Sid Everingham looks back on 50 years of servicing his community.
Alison Paterson
Sid Everingham in his Baralaba butcher shop which he and his wife Diane ran and sold many pork products supplied by their own piggery. Picture: Supplied
The Newcastle Steelworks Band made history 100 years ago.
The Newcastle Steelworks Band made history 100 years ago. Now, their music is coming back to life. Picture supplied
History: When NSW whaling fleets once hunted the ocean
Mike Scanlon
Artwork shows 'Mocha Dick' retaliating for being hunted and harpooned by 19th century whalers. Picture supplied
A lotto win and a future husband cemented Martha Down Under.
John Piggott
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Martha Nubia Barrientos in Sydney, where she lived for a time before eventually settling in Western Australia. Picture supplied by Martha Nubia Barrientos
This club has won 13 flags since its first in 1946.
Lucas Holmes
Tatyoon's first senior premiership team in 1946. Picture supplied

