The Senior

Unlocking financial freedom: How Homesafe Wealth Release continues to support older homeowners overcome financial stress in retirement

Homesafe Wealth Release can help support older homeowners overcome financial stress in retirement by unlocking the money in their own home. Shutterstock picture
Homesafe Wealth Release can help support older homeowners overcome financial stress in retirement by unlocking the money in their own home. Shutterstock picture

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For homeowners over the age of 60, financial concerns can become increasingly burdensome, particularly for those who are grappling with debt repayments and rising living costs. Many find themselves in a challenging situation where fixed incomes are stretched thin and unexpected expenses can quickly escalate into financial stress.

In such circumstances, exploring options like Homesafe Wealth Release can provide much-needed relief and financial stability in retirement.

Today, one of the most pressing challenges faced by older homeowners is the burden of debt. Whether it's from mortgages, credit cards, council rates, medical bills, or other expenses, financial obligations can loom large and erode financial security.

With limited earning potential and a reduced capacity to recover from financial setbacks, older homeowners may feel trapped by their obligations. Homesafe Wealth Release offers a solution by enabling homeowners to access the equity in their homes without having to take on more debt, sell their home or downsize.

Rising living costs further exacerbate the financial strain on older homeowners. From healthcare expenses to gas and electricity bills and groceries, the cost of maintaining a comfortable lifestyle continues to escalate. Homesafe Wealth Release provides a way to supplement retirement income, allowing homeowners to cover essential expenses and maintain their quality of life without dipping into savings or taking on additional debt.

So what is Homesafe Wealth Release?

Homesafe Wealth Release is a debt free equity release solution designed to address the needs of asset-rich, cash-poor retirees. It allows you to access a portion of the equity tied up in your home without the need to sell or downsize your property or go back into debt.

Access Your Home Equity

With Homesafe, you can release a lump sum using the equity built up in your home. This provides you with much-needed funds to support your retirement lifestyle or achieve specific financial goals.

No Interest and No Monthly Repayments

Unlike traditional loans or reverse mortgages, Homesafe Wealth Release does not accrue interest charges, and there are no monthly repayments. You remain the sole owner of your home, and the amount Homesafe is entitled to is received by Homesafe from the purchaser of your home, when you eventually sell.

Flexibility and Security

Homesafe offers flexibility in how you use the released equity. Whether you want to pay off existing debts, renovate your home, travel, or simply have peace of mind knowing you have financial security, Homesafe can provide the funds you need.

Homesafe Wealth Release offers a viable solution to achieving a debt-free retirement. By accessing the equity in your home without incurring interest or monthly repayments, you can enjoy financial security, eliminate debts, and create the retirement lifestyle you desire.

As with all big decisions regarding financial matters, homeowners are strongly encouraged to seek financial advice to understand the implications of their decision to proceed with a Homesafe arrangement and all Homesafe customers are required to obtain independent legal advice before signing a Homesafe Contract.

The team at Homesafe Wealth Release offer a personalised service by phone initially, and a no-obligation meeting with a Homesafe Mobile Specialist in the comfort of your home is organised to ensure you can receive all the information you - and your family - need to make an informed decision.

For more information on how Homesafe has helped older homeowners to find peace of mind in retirement for over 18 years, contact Homesafe on 1300 307 059 or visit

  • Terms, conditions, and eligibility criteria apply. Homesafe Wealth Release is available in 90 per cent of eligible postcodes in Melbourne and Sydney.