The Senior

Glen recommends Arborvitae Joint Health

Glen Rampton of Quirindi NSW with Arborvitae. Picture supplied
Glen Rampton of Quirindi NSW with Arborvitae. Picture supplied

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"I have been using Arborvitae for quite a few months now and what a difference it has made to my life.

"From being a virtual cripple with mild osteoarthritis that has got more severe, I now can move about with a relatively low level of pain.

"Prior to using Arborvitae the pain level in both knees, both hips, lower back and upper chest was in the high 8s or 9 out of 10.

"Now by taking approximately 30mL of Arborvitae Joint Health each morning, my level of pain would be no higher than 2 out of 10.

"What a difference. I can now move about quite freely with a four-wheeled walker and even one walking stick if necessary.

"I am not one who normally recommends so-called Miracle Cures, however Arborvitae Joint Health is not a miracle cure, it is a miracle wonder that has given me at 76 years old a completely new lease of life.

"I can unreservedly recommend this product to anyone one who suffers from severe inflammation caused by mild arthritis."

- Glen, Quirindi, NSW

Arborvitae Joint Health is the leading product in Arborvitae's range. It helps to provide relief from the symptoms of mild-moderate arthritis, joint pain, inflammation, soreness and stiffness. A recent clinical study on Arborvitae Joint Health has shown some exceptional results, with pain relief (66 per cent decrease in pain test scores), a 50 per cent increase in walking distance and a 56 per cent decrease in inflammation in blood tests (CRP).

Arborvitae is made from natural ingredients, including Pycnogenol (French Maritime Pine Bark extract), Aloe Vera, Papain enzyme and honey.

The other star in the range is Arborvitae Health and Wellbeing Supplement for blood glucose, cholesterol and the immune system.

Arborvitae is an Australian owned company and the supplements are TGA listed and manufactured in Australia.

Arborvitae is stocked in more than 1500 chemists and health food stores Australia-wide.

More information on Arborvitae, the Clinical Study and stockist locations can be found at or call 1300-879-863.

  • Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

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