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Weatherproofing: A guide for Aussie home owners

The last thing you want is an unexpected roof leak during winter. Picture Shutterstock.
The last thing you want is an unexpected roof leak during winter. Picture Shutterstock.

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Australia is one of the best countries in the world to live in. A place where everyone gets a fair go, a shot at success. A land of opportunity, potential wealth, and mateship. A gorgeous country with lush forests, breathtaking deserts and stunning beaches.

An excellent place to raise kids, settle down and enjoy the lifestyle and the culture. Some Australian cities have even been voted the world's most liveable.

Yet one part of Australia that is hard to ignore is the weather. The country is home to extreme weather patterns - from scorching heat to torrential rain. There are cyclones up north, and the winters can be brutal down south. There is even the risk of awful weather events like bushfires and floods.

Owning a home in Australia means that you need to protect it from the weather. You may not know the best way to go about this, though.

Lucky for you, this article will share a weatherproofing guide for Aussie homeowners. Read on to discover more.

Install PVC Fencing

One way to weatherproof your garden is to engage a PVC fencing supplier to provide you with a PVC fence. This option is better than traditional fencing materials such as timber or steel. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride.

It is a sturdy, resilient, chemically resistant synthetic resin produced in factories. PVC is an excellent construction material because it is cheap yet has a high strength-to-weight ratio and a long lifespan.

These are just the qualities you want in a fence. PVC is also amazingly weatherproof, meaning it can easily withstand the harsh Australian summer and cold winters.

Seal Your Windows and Doors

Gaps in your windows and doors can result in significant heat loss during winter and cooling loss during the warmer months. This is because unsealed homes will let air escape and the air from outside in. The biggest culprits for this are your windows and doors.

You can install weather seals quite quickly and cheaply, and in most cases, you can DIY them. You'll improve the insulation of your home by doing this, and it will help to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter. As a bonus, you'll also save a tidy sum on your energy bill.

Insulate and Seal Your Garage Door

Your garage door is the most oversized door in your home. If you have a garage attached to your home, you may find that draughts can get in quickly, or air-conditioned air will escape your home.

You can remedy this by both insulating your garage door on the inside and sealing it on the outside.

You can find insulation at most hardware stores, and then it's just the simple task of affixing it to your garage door. You can also buy brush seals online at speciality stores and install these on the exterior of your garage to protect your home against the elements.

Weatherboard Homes Need Weatherproof Paint

If you have a weatherboard home, this tip is for you. Weatherboards are particularly susceptible to wear and tear due to prolonged exposure to the sun, wind and rain. If you leave them unattended, you may have to replace them sooner than you should need to.

An excellent solution to this problem is to sand them back and paint them with special weatherproof paint. You can find this at most paint shops and hardware stores. It's a big job to do the whole house, but you can knock it over in a few days. If you're time-poor but have a budget, you can engage a professional painter to do this for you.

Install Gutter Brushes

Dirty and blocked gutters can easily lead to roof leaks if left unattended. This is because dirt and debris will block the downpipes, and the water will backflow and end up on your roof, which is not designed to hold large amounts of water.

In order to help prevent a leak, you can install gutter brushes that will trap leaves and other debris before they clog your downpipes. You should still clean out your gutters, but the brushes will help prevent leaks better than no protection at all.

Schedule a Roof Inspection

The last thing you want is an unexpected roof leak during winter. This can cause damage to your internal roof, wiring, insulation and more. Before winter comes, contact a roofing company that can inspect your roof. Even if they don't find any leaks, you'll have peace of mind knowing your roof integrity is sound.

And if they find damage, they can fix it for you. This may cost a bit of money, but it's better than dealing with a roof leak when the heavy winter rains come.

This helpful article has shared a complete guide to weatherproofing your Aussie home. Follow these steps, and you'll guarantee your home is safe, secure and weatherproof for Australian winters and summers.