The Senior

Establish a strong learning foundation for your kids

Parents should encourage as much development as possible during the early childhood years. Pictures by Shutterstock
Parents should encourage as much development as possible during the early childhood years. Pictures by Shutterstock

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Raising kids involves a lot of tasks as parents. You will be in charge of honing their skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, social, focus, communication, and many more.

As they enter the different stages of child development, you should ensure they grow up to be the bright person you want them to be. And preparing their learning foundation should start as early as possible.

Among the children's development stages, the third phase, which is the toddler stage, is the perfect time to mould their learning foundation. Whether you become their home tutor or allow them to join a learning centre like Shichida Australia or other centres near you, these are essential steps to train your child to adapt the best learning strategies.

Here are viable ways to establish a strong learning foundation for your kids:

1. Enrol them in an early childhood learning centre

Parents should encourage as much development as possible during these early childhood years. An early childhood education program is an effective way to do this. While there are no hard and fast rules, it's often recommended to enrol your children in these learning facilities when they reach the age of three to four.

These crucial first years can be maximised through early childhood education programs. Thus, program educators nurture young children's social, cognitive, and developmental needs. You may check more of their benefits below:

  • Screens out the kid's behavioural or learning issues

During a child's development, they should achieve several developmental milestones. These are age-specific activities that most kids can perform at a certain age range.

Unfortunately, for busy parents, such milestones or learning opportunities can be missed or skipped. These roles can be fulfilled by early childhood educators instead.

Children of all ages have developmental milestones, and early childhood educators are trained to recognise indicators when a child has behavioural or learning issues. Your child will be assessed thoroughly, and teachers will inform you if specific milestones aren't met. They can recommend other strategies to overcome these issues.

  • Improves social skills

Children develop social skills through early childhood education programs. Every individual should be trained to be social as early as possible. And when your child becomes three years old, a toddler, it's the best time for them to start interacting with their classmates. They will be exposed to other children and adults outside their family circle rather than spending all day alone at home.

They can start developing their communication and interpersonal skills. They will understand others better as they proactively listen, observe, and respond to them. Children can benefit from developing these skills at a young age to have a healthier social life in the future.

  • Gives flexibility to parents

Early childhood education gives parents a great deal of freedom. If you're committed to working daily, enrolling your child in a learning centre will enable you to work without worries about who will take care of them. By investing in early childhood education, you can reclaim some of your time to perform other tasks while being assured that your child is being taken care of professionally.

With these benefits, your child deserves to obtain quality early childhood education. Your goal is to enhance their social behaviour and academic performance, ensuring a balanced and healthy environment.

2. Stay responsive to your child all the time

Your child's development relies on your hands as you spend the most time with them. Being a responsive communication partner for your child will help them build a strong language foundation. When you are responsive, you ensure they are encouraged to communicate with you so you can reply accordingly.

Instead of talking too much, listen to what your toddler would say, then respond by discussing what would catch their interest. You encourage your child to interact and communicate with you by showing interest in their words. Interactions like these are like little conversations, but they're very effective and help build strong communication skills.

Establish a strong learning foundation for your kids
Establish a strong learning foundation for your kids

3. Be the early teacher of your child

The role of a parent in a child's life is multifaceted. It's difficult for young children to make decisions independently because they can't comprehend as much as adults do. Often, they're prone to making wrong decisions and mistakes. To ensure that your children flourish and grow in the best possible way, you should be the first teacher to train them to be the best version of themselves. Encourage and push them in areas where they can grow their talents and skills as a child.

Even if grandparental relationships are strong, you should never let your parents steal your role in your child's life. And even while it's true that you can depend on early childhood educators to help your child learn the necessary foundations in life, no one can replace your teaching tasks at home. Your child will rely on you and observe your actions to grasp what's right and wrong. Therefore, you become their primary role model. You must take advantage of any opportunity to train your child to grow and be a good person each day.

Key takeaway

The last thing you want as a parent is to have your children grow up saying that you never cared about their future. Being hands-on in their learning stages is crucial in parenthood.

You will feel fulfilled when you see your kid growing to become a good and bright person. And seeking support from learning centres with your parental teachings can provide a strong learning foundation for your kids.