The Senior

Link between nutrition and dementia

Link between nutrition and dementia
Link between nutrition and dementia

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As we age, our nutritional requirements change. Are the meals you are eating providing you with the nutrients you need for healthy ageing? Meals on Wheels have a range of nutritionally dense meals that support healthy ageing for people over 65. Our meals maximise your protein, calcium and nutrient intake to help reduce your risk of falls, infections, hospitalisation and ultimately malnutrition.

Meals on Wheels cater to Commonwealth Home Support clients, Home Care Package consumers, NDIS participants as well as Full Fee clients.

Our meals meet the National Meal Guidelines for Older Australians and are suitable for everyone. If you have special dietary needs, we also have options for texture modified meals, gluten free, as well as vegan, vegetarian and much more.

Nutrition and Dementia

By Corinne Cox (Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Meals on Wheels NSW)

Dementia results in declining cognitive and physical functioning which impact independence, and also the ability of individuals to maintain good nutrition and hydration levels. Shopping and cooking can become very challenging. It is common for people with dementia to have a reduced interest in food and not recognise meal times/hunger cues. Taste and smell can be affected which can affect appetite and palatability of foods, it can also mean that unpleasant smells are not detected, increasing the risk of an affected person eating spoiled food, or not being able to smell burning or leaking gas - these issues can result in cooking being unsafe for some individuals. The most commonly reported nutrition-related symptom of dementia is weight loss, which is associated with malnutrition.

The neurological changes that are also a part of dementia can result in muscle weakness and reduced co-ordination which can make preparing and cooking food difficult. Dysphagia, or swallowing issues can also develop, so texture modified meals may be required for some individuals.

Aside from the debilitating effects of dementia, poor nutritional status has significant effects on functional mobility, strength, wound healing and general well-being amongst other things.

In order to offset the effects of dementia outlined above a home delivered meal service may be of significant benefit to support individuals with dementia to maintain good nutritional status, which in turn helps them to maintain their independence and physical mobility.

To find your nearest Meals on Wheels location please visit our website at NSW Meals on Wheels - Find a meal or call us on 1300 679 669 so we can deliver 'More than just a meal'. To find out more about why Meals on Wheels is the best choice to support you or someone you love to live well at home, please visit our website NSW Meals on Wheels - Why Choose Meals on Wheels

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