The Senior

Eight tips for falls prevention

Eight tips for falls prevention
Eight tips for falls prevention

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Falls prevention can be split into 2 main categories: keeping your body healthy and making your environment safer. After a fall, many seniors experience depression; confusion; loss of mobility; and a decrease in independence.

For many people who have fallen, even if they are not injured, subsequently become afraid of falling and this fear can cause a person to limit their daily activities. Do Not Live in Fear! Here are 8 tips on fall prevention:

1. Stay Active

Exercises that focus on balance, flexibility and strength training will improve your muscles, making you stronger and keep your joints, tendons, and ligaments flexible.

2. Keep your Bones Strong

Having healthy bones will not prevent a fall, but if you do fall it might prevent breaking a hip or other bone. Vitamin D is important in keeping your bones strong and absorbing calcium. Make sure your Vitamin D levels are enough by speaking with your GP.

3. Monitor your Medications

Medications carry a lot of side effects, including, but not limited to confusion, dizziness, fatigue, incontinence, and weakness. Speak with your GP about any side effects of the medications you take.

4. Sleep

Lack of sleep can decrease your reflexes and response times, causing you to move slower and be less aware of your surroundings.

5. Wear Good, Sensible Shoes

Be sure to wear non-skid, rubber-soled, low-heeled shoes that fully support your feet.

6. Get Rid of Hazards in your Home

Take a critical look around your home and garden for any potential tripping hazards such as worn-out carpets, lack of adequate lighting and piles of clutter that block pathways.

7. Fall-Proof Your Bathroom

Bathrooms can be a dangerous place with all the wet and slippery surfaces. Make sure you have non-slip bathmats and have grab rails installed by your bathtub and toilet.

8. Stand Up Slowly

Stand up slowly after you have been seated or laying down for a prolonged period. Take a minute to get your bearings before moving.

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