The Senior

Give kindness in a card this holiday season

Give kindness in a card this holiday season
Give kindness in a card this holiday season

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Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner?

Our celebrations might be a bit more low key this year, but that doesn't mean we can't still share in the happiness, joy and kindness of the holidays (we've earned it after the last 12 months!)

Here at Australian Red Cross, the lesson we're taking from this year is that acts of kindness can be small yet mean so much.

It can be a cup of tea and warm blanket for someone in an evacuation centre. A phone call to check-in on neighbour who lives alone. Groceries and school supplies for a newly arrived refugee family to start off their lives in their new home.

We want to keep spreading kindness as we head into the new year. So, we've wrapped these acts of kindness and more up into Real Good Gifts.

A Real Good Gift is a thoughtful present for someone you know, but also makes a difference to someone you might never meet (but who could do with some extra support right now).

Here's how it works: you pick a gift online from our range of products, and we'll send you a card in the mail or by email to give to the lucky gift recipient.

Meanwhile, the money from your gift goes toward our work helping people stay safe, healthy and happy and get through tough times.

A gift of a hot, healthy meal could help us to provide meals to young people sleeping rough in our major cities, helping them to get back on their feet.

A phone call could help to support our work with people who are isolated, making sure they feel part of a community that cares.

And a shelter toolkit could help a family whose home has been destroyed in a disaster have a safe and dry place to sleep.

With gifts starting at $11, there's something for everyone, from a Kris Kringle present, to a thoughtful gift for the grandkids, or something unique for that person we all know who is impossible to buy for!

Shop online now at (and make sure to buy before 13 December if you want to receive your card in the mail.

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